Monday, July 25, 2016

Peace In The Milestones

Peace in the milestones

I thought there would be more
Pieces of milestones
Tomorrow is nothing

Today is the moments
seized with reality
No more pretending

Milestones are crossroads
One road to good intentions
another to higher good. 

The path through to be
in nature
to connect 
to inner soul. 

The pieces are in the milestones.
Peace is in the stones of the mile.  

The moments are in between. 

© Anita Cellucci and Speak Your Truth. Be Soul-full. Be free., 2016.

My Father Had A Dream...

My father had a dream
a dream of men
a dream to overcome what
he had seen, heard, felt and done. 

The dream was 
vivid, strong, and true. 
It carried him through his years as a sailor.
It filled him up in ways nothing else ever had.

My father had a dream,
a dream of time, endless days, weeks and years
that would send him letters of devotion, of hope, of love.

My father had a dream 
that was bigger and louder than anything he had ever imagined.
It was proud and happy and aligned
with his beliefs and truths.

My father had a dream 
of blackness, sorrow and sadness, it 
swallowed him whole 
and allowed him to drown
within his 
longing, his growing, his thoughts. 

My father had a dream
that became an unending of dreams
one that men hope to never have, 
but some inevitably do.

My father had a dream
that became my burden to overcome, to grow out of
and understand
in ways 
that not even he could. 

My father had a dream 
that became a cloud
that shadowed all of our lives
in ways that one could never have imagined. 

My father had a dream, 
I hope he awakens one day. 

© Anita Cellucci and Speak Your Truth. Be Soul-full. Be free., 2016.